We are back in Japan, currently on the train to Hakodate! Hooray!
Who We Are
We’re Teddy and Cassie McCormick.
We’re currently in the process of moving to Japan.
We’re pretty cool in general.
Latest Thoughts
Woof! Tuesday was *rough,* yesterday wasn’t fun, but I’m feeling good today, so we should be back in Hakodate by tonight!
Sitting Around in California
California has been lovely, but also not exactly what we were expecting from it. This is, in no small part, thanks to a fun little merry-go-round of COVID that we’ve been riding at the McFarlands’ house, which means we’ve not done very much during our time here.
Hello everyone. We have been in CA for over 2 weeks now and have a little over 1 week left before we head on to Hawaii and then Japan. We are overdue for an update on here, I promise you’ll get one about the CA portion eventually. But for now, I have something else to […]
From VA to CA
It’s time. We had a fantastic time in Virginia seeing all our friends and family here, but today’s the day we say goodbye to everyone. Thank you to everyone here for making our time so great, and an extra big thanks to Candace and Tim for hosting us and for taking care of our cats! […]
VA Friends and Family
We’ve been having a lot of fun seeing all of our friends and family in the area, so I thought it’d be fun to tell you all about some of it!
Virginia and Our Cats
We’re fairly settled in now in Candace and Tim’s basement, where we’ll be for most of the next month, so really, it’s past time for another update on where we’re at and what we’ve been up to!
Hello Virginia!
The day has come! If you’re reading this, we’ve left the state. (This post is scheduled to go live after our flight has taken off.) We land today in VA, where we’ll be for the next month and change.
Goodbye Season
As we are now only 4 days away from our big moving date we are officially into the saddest and most stressful part of our journey. (Hopefully. I don’t want to imagine a more stressful or sadder time is to come!) Once we entered the single digits before the big move pretty much every time […]
The Goodbye Tour
We have our tickets bought! Which is exciting, but made me realize it’s worth going into a little more detail about our pre-Japan plans, and when we’ll be where. So here are the actual dates!
Cassie’s Take on “The Big Move” and “Why Have a Blog?”
Hey, friends! I have been a little bit embarrassed letting people know about this blog while there is so little on here. So, here I am contributing.
Pre-trip FAQ
There are a lot of questions that we keep getting asked about our move to Japan, so we figured you might like to see the whole list! We’ll keep updating this list as questions keep coming up.