We’re back in Kyoto! But in a very different part of it, so it all still feels new. Our hotel is very nice and homey – as much space as a small apartment – and has been very comfortable. Also, we went to the Nintendo Museum!
I unfortunately don’t have a ton of photos, because they ask you not to take pictures in a lot of it, and also because the McFarlands had the good cameras, lol. But I’ll get some of the pictures they took later, and hopefully remember to upload them.

But it really was a ton of fun. We made our own hanafuda cards, we played games with gigantic controllers, we walked through a massive archive of old hardware (our favorite part was all the prototypes!)… it was great.
And then we went right from there to the official Nintendo store, an hour away! They had so many fun things there that you either can’t buy anywhere else, or that are hard to find – the amiibo shelves in the USA are always so empty, but the official store had, I think literally every amiibo ever made for sale there.

Then today we did a traditional tea ceremony in rented kimono. Kimono are actually really comfortable, and the tea ceremony was really pleasant. We got back and watched the Dodgers win the World Series, which is actually a very big deal here because the Dodgers have a Japanese star on their team.
Right now, Cassie and I are packing up most of our bags to ship ahead of us to Fukuoka – I’m writing this because I’m realizing I want to pack the laptop, and I don’t like writing posts on my phone. So expect light updates for the next couple days!
Later today we’re planning on hiking the Inari shrine, and then tomorrow we’re off to Hiroshima! I’ll try to take lots of pictures so I have plenty to share once I’m back with my laptop!