Author: Teddy McCormick

  • Just bought a bidet and installed it in Candace and Tim’s guest bathroom. We can’t live without one!

  • Virginia and Our Cats

    We’re fairly settled in now in Candace and Tim’s basement, where we’ll be for most of the next month, so really, it’s past time for another update on where we’re at and what we’ve been up to! I’m gonna lead with the most exciting news: we have our cats with us! We’d been worried about…

  • We have landed in VA by the way; we’re staying with Cassie’s sister. We (and the cats!) are all settling in well, we’re just tired. Expect an update soon!

  • Hello Virginia!

    The day has come! If you’re reading this, we’ve left the state. (This post is scheduled to go live after our flight has taken off.) We land today in VA, where we’ll be for the next month and change. The moving process got a bit hectic at the end, but isn’t that kind of the…

  • As excited as I am to leave Florida, we’re at the point now where most of our goodbyes to people are Goodbyes, and it is sad. We’re going to miss so many people!

  • The Goodbye Tour

    We have our tickets bought! Which is exciting, but made me realize it’s worth going into a little more detail about our pre-Japan plans, and when we’ll be where. So here are the actual dates!

  • Pre-trip FAQ

    There are a lot of questions that we keep getting asked about our move to Japan, so we figured you might like to see the whole list! We’ll keep updating this list as questions keep coming up.

  • Welcome to the blog

    This is (going to be) our blog! We don’t promise to be particularly punctual about updating it, but since we don’t really do Facebook or social media of any kind, it seemed like a good way to keep in touch with people, and let everyone know what we’ve been up to.