
  • The McFarlands land in an hour! Ahhh!
  • Our current hotel is fine but not great – but it’s right next to a river walk which is stunning.

  • Stumbled across a Hokkaido food fair yesterday and got some great food – including these dark chocolate/strawberry and milk/satsuma swirls!

  • Church was really great! We had a lot of fun hanging out with everyone there, and maybe made some new friends???
  • I got a book of postcards – like 40 postcards for less than $10! Send me a text if you want us to send you one!

  • We’re at a train museum that is clearly targeted at small children. Whoops!

  • Nara Park is totally worth it. Feeding the deer is way more fun than I expected, and there’s a ton of cool architecture and scenery around.