Author: Cassie McCormick
Apparently We Speak Spanish?
First off, hello! It has been a long time! Partly because I haven’t been in the mood, partly because I haven’t felt like I had any stories to tell. Now I have realized we have many stories that I never got around to telling!
So we did not actually leave Korea yesterday. Teddy came done with a nasty stomach bug and has been recovering. We’re going to try for another flight tomorrow depending on how he feels today. Pray that I don’t get it! Stomach bugs are super contagious and I don’t want it.
Something I’m still getting used to is having to put on a jacket to go pee. Our toilet is far away from the heater!
More Scenic Vistas
We have been doing things, honest! Maybe not much… But here is the proof! First of all: It snowed! Alllll day on Monday. So we did stay in that day. Now what should have been first if I cared about chronology: we went to a wonderful church on Sunday. Like, this is our church. The…
Accidental Adventure
We got off to a late start today possibly due to my chaotic sleep schedule… But this meant we didn’t plan to do anything big or be out long once we did head out.
We Love Hakodate
We made it to Hakodate and fell in love before we had even landed. Honestly. A big part of that is that it is actually Fall here. FALL! When was the last time we got to experience that season??? 9 years ago when we lived in Virginia? Probably! It is beautiful. It is vibrant. Just…
Cassie’s Journey with God
This is a blog post that I have been hesitating to write for some time. I have felt a specific call in the midst of our specific call (moving to Japan) to share my struggles. I have been trying to be diligent in obeying that call, but only in person, and only when prompted.
Hello everyone. We have been in CA for over 2 weeks now and have a little over 1 week left before we head on to Hawaii and then Japan. We are overdue for an update on here, I promise you’ll get one about the CA portion eventually. But for now, I have something else to…
Goodbye Season
As we are now only 4 days away from our big moving date we are officially into the saddest and most stressful part of our journey. (Hopefully. I don’t want to imagine a more stressful or sadder time is to come!) Once we entered the single digits before the big move pretty much every time…
Cassie’s Take on “The Big Move” and “Why Have a Blog?”
Hey, friends! I have been a little bit embarrassed letting people know about this blog while there is so little on here. So, here I am contributing.