Teddy’s Birthday!

Cassie McCormick Avatar

Wow! Look! Two posts without a month in between! Crazy! But don’t be too proud of me, because this post is still a month overdue…

Teddy’s birthday was January 15! Happy birthday Teddy! We celebrated a couple of times with friends and with just us. Teddy already posted the best pictures in his photo dump the other day, but I still want to do a post about it to give you my razzle dazzle.

We finally went to the monkey hot springs!

Ok, not THE monkey hot springs. If you Google “Monkey Hot Springs Japan” which I just did, the one we went to does not come up. But, there is a place in our little town of Hakodate that has hot springs that monkeys go in. And, honestly, how had we not gone yet. Monkeys are Teddy’s favorite. Relaxed animals are everybody’s favorite. What’s not to love?

Look at all of those monkeys!

These hot springs were at a botanical garden park, so of course we went inside and checked that out too.

So. Many. Florida plants. Hilarious. But that bougainvillea1 was gorgeous and so massive.

And this was on the ocean. There is the beach. You can see me, the botanical garden, and the ocean all in one picture.

Look what Google Photos made for me! It stylized this photo and made my hubby stand out even more.

We stopped to get ice cream because it is Teddy’s birthday and we do what we want!

When we sent Teddy’s mom this picture she showed it to her mom to proclaim how crazy we are for eating ice cream in the cold. Her mom responded with “Why shouldn’t they have ice cream? It’s good!”

And we finished the day off with Teddy’s new favorite food: soup curry.

We even took our friends back to this restaurant a few days later. So good.

At a get together with friends they even made a cake to celebrate all the January birthday babies!

Why yes, I did decorate that cake hahahahaha. I may have let some children “help me.” It still might look better than it would have had I been left to do it alone.

Did you enjoy just how many pictures of Teddy I threw into this post? I had to keep the focus on the birthday boy!

  1. The plant on the trellis ↩︎

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