
  • Yesterday was national cat day – because 02/22 is pronounced “ni ni ni” which sounds like cat sounds. So stores have a bunch of cute cat-themed treats!

  • We are back in Japan, currently on the train to Hakodate! Hooray!

  • Woof! Tuesday was *rough,* yesterday wasn’t fun, but I’m feeling good today, so we should be back in Hakodate by tonight!
  • So we did not actually leave Korea yesterday. Teddy came done with a nasty stomach bug and has been recovering. We’re going to try for another flight tomorrow depending on how he feels today. Pray that I don’t get it! Stomach bugs are super contagious and I don’t want it.

  • We are keeping an eye on the situation in South Korea, but my friend there says it shouldn’t impact us, so we’re not too worried about it.
  • Something I’m still getting used to is having to put on a jacket to go pee. Our toilet is far away from the heater!

  • Went to a dope park today – but it was bitter, snow-on-the-ground cold!